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Create Your First Upsell Flow
Create Your First Upsell Flow

Learn how to create upsell flows

Updated over 8 months ago

Let's dive into setting up your first upsell flow! This is an exciting step towards boosting your revenue and enhancing your customers' shopping experience.

Inside the EliteCart App, begin by clicking Upsell Flows & AI in the left-hand menu.

In the upper right corner, click on Add Flow.

Now you must choose the Display Type. You can always change this later.

  1. If you have a specific product you'd like to upsell, we recommend choosing Simple Upsell. This will display one specific product.

  2. If you'd like to give your customers several products to choose from, you can choose Carousel, a mobile-friendly carousel, which will allow the customer to swipe / scroll through several products.

  3. If you're aiming to display several products next to each other (up to 3), you can also choose Gallery. This option is ideal for products with great visuals.

Regardless of the Upsell Type you choose, the final setup remains the same:


Start by choosing a title. Make it descriptive, as this is internal use only and won't be visible to your customers.

Flow-Specific Heading (optional)

You can choose an optional flow-specific heading. The heading is displayed on top of the upsell flow if enabled in the Cart Designer.

If your store has multiple languages, you will see a blue translate button to create the respective translations.

If you leave this field empty, EliteCart will instead show the default heading set in the Cart Designer. This fallback mechanism operates independently for each language configured in your store. For instance, if a flow-specific heading is set in English but not in German, the system will use the default heading for German while displaying the custom heading for English.

Additionally, if the heading is disabled in the Cart Designer, no flow-specific headings will be shown at all, regardless of any custom headings set for different languages. This ensures a consistent and streamlined presentation based on your configuration preferences in the Cart Designer.


Next, choose your Upsell Trigger. This trigger determines which product needs to be in the cart to display the upsell offer you're setting up.

E.g. if you select the product Nike Air Jordan 3 here, every time this product is in the cart, this flow will show. Unless another higher-ranked flow is triggered first. More on that below.

You have four options with different specificity:

  • all products

  • collections

  • specific products

  • specific variants

We typically recommend to start broad, i.e. with one or several collections. You can later create additional upsell flows targeting more specific products or even variants.

Upsell Product

Next up: Choose your upsell products. These are the products that will be displayed to your customers in the cart. Depending on the collection you chose as a trigger earlier, let's pick something fitting and appealing – ideally a popular and affordable item.

We recommend picking several products - at minimum three, because:

  • If one of your chosen products is already in the customer’s cart, EliteCart intelligently skips it and displays the next product instead.

  • If a product is sold out, the same thing happens.

Once you are happy with your choices, hit save.

Prioritizing Flows

Now hit the back button to view all of your upsell flows. You will see the flow you just created. Now you can repeat the process and create another flow.

You can also prioritize your flows to determine which flow shall show first. Logically, this is what happens:

  • EliteCart checks flow 1: Has the trigger been met?

    • If yes, we we will show that flow

    • If not, we will skip this flow and check the next one.

  • EliteCart checks flow 2: ...

You can also disable a flow by clicking the green eye on the right.

Fantastic job! You've successfully set up your first upsell flow. This is just the beginning of your journey towards higher average order value and increased revenue. Keep experimenting with different triggers and products to find what resonates best with your customers.

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